What a Wet Day!
Today started at 5am for our family. Back in November, through Congressman Chaka Fattah office, we requested to tour the Whitehouse during our time in DC. Just a few weeks ago our request was approved. So we needed to be @ the check in point by 8:45am for our 9am tour today. We pre-bought our metro tickets last night, and Amy and I did a dry run to the parking at the College Park station. We didn't want to miss our train. After a good walk around the campground for Molly, we got everyone breakfast and together and out by 7:15am. A 10 minute car ride later, we were at the College Park Metro Station. We were concerned for Granny's ability to do the steps in and out of the stations, and to walk the distance to the Whitehouse. As it was, we all did fine. As we waited for our turn to get checked in, a slight drizzle started. We were able to get in the Whitehouse before the skies opened up. Each of us (even the girls) were verified with picture ID, and verified our information, more than once. It seemed our check-in process took longer than our self-guided tour.
I'm thankful we were able to see the inside of our wonderful Presidential Mansion, but after all the waiting, it seemed almost anti-climatic. I must admit though, the amount of history in the place, knowing what has occurred within it's walls, and who had spent time in the rooms we toured, gave a feeling of being in hallowed halls.
When we exited, rain was pouring down, so we donned our rain gear as we headed out. We ducked into a Souvenir shop for a bit - girls bought a few trinkets. With the rain, wind, and granny not up for too much walking, we took a break under cover of the
Ronald Reagan Building . The Metro Station is right there so we decided to come back to the Campground and relax for the rest of the day. Glad we did - as the rains and winds really rocked us all day, and I heard from other campers that they had to do detours from flooding and fallen debris coming up from Annapolis.
Got some reading in, watched the rain, and tracked it on TV. Enjoyed some time in Cherry hill's cafe & lounge as well. And a Rainy Day is not complete without a little nap to the sound of rain on the roof. Not a productive day, but still a good one.
Waiting at L Enfant Plaza for the Metro to RoadAbode |