Travels with Family and Friends in RoadAbode 2.0, Our 2019 Class C Motorhome.
Sharing destinations, travel tips, and recommendations as we pursue our version of the RV lifestyle.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Swimming, I mean Canoeing The Wading River
The Weather has held out! After a great breakfast including Banana and strawberry fruit salad by Frank, scrambled eggs by Kevin, and Sausage by myself, (I was the only one that had french toast) we cleaned up, packed a snack, drinks and other essentials, and headed to the Office. We booked two canoes, and then in about ten minutes were picked up to be taken to Hawkin's Bridge Landing, To launch off our Canoeing Adventure. Kevin and I shared a Canoe, and Frank was the lone paddler.
We crossed under Hawkin's Bridge, and started paddling down the tea colored waters of the Wading River. Actually, we drugg our canoes for the first 500 feet of the gravel of the Wading River. We each looked at the other... and thought "this is gonna be a loooong walk if this river stays shallow"
But soon, the water deepened enough and we enjoyed paddling down the river, with a few young kayakers as well. At some point, trying to get over a stump, Frank got to enjoy a refreshing dip in the river. Once he got righted, unswamped the canoe, and wrung out, we enjoyed the sights and quiet of the river. The vegetation and banks were beautiful, but we saw no fish at all. We did to get to see cranberries up close a first for me. (They actually grow very close to the ground)
We stopped at a sand beach for a snack, and to look over the the area. Just as we were relaxing, We were joined by Troop 201 from Haddonfield. All twenty-three of them. On our beach. But in a few minutes they were on their way again.
Down the river a bit, as it got a little deeper, Kevin and I, jealous of Franks multiple swims by now, took our own dip. Fortunately, a beach was right there get everything righted. Stuff inside my backpack was still relatively dry!
Down by a sandbar, Frank spied a Baby snapper turtle, the only real aquatic life we saw in the river. The rest of our trip was uneventful, but very relaxing, and beautiful. We did get to pass those boy scouts again, and the kayakers.
Exact weekend trip I was looking for.
Well, except for the swimming part.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Guys Weekend
Out with Frank and Kev at Wading Pines RV Resort in Chatsworth NJ - in the Pine Barrens. Drive here, once out of Philly, was pretty easy. A little drizzle, but not the downpour that was predicted by the weather people. Once we set up and were settled in, had some Risleling Wine and enjoyed Peperoni Bread and Pizza. Nice just watching others setup as we relaxed under the canopy and enjoyed our fire. Looks promising that we may get a canoe trip in tomorrow.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Weekend in Lancaster
In one of our favorite Campgrounds in Lancaster, Spring Gulch (actually New Holland) Traveling up an Friday was not easy though. After a hectic work day, got home to fine that RoadAbode's right turn signal is not working correctly, and even a stop at Pep Boys didn't fix the issue. This threw us late by an hour, and it started raining...hard. Pulling into the camp site was tough. By the time we disconnected RoadToad, and setup the basic hookups, even with my raincoat i was soaked thru. Not a good start to the weekend. But dry clothes and some Cartoon Network helped take off the edge a bit.
Saturday, Got up late, and just sat around camp. Took a shower around noon, then worked on a fishing rod holder for the Basement Storage, using a 3" wide piece of PVC pipe. Works pretty well. After that we headed out to Goods General Store, Next to Shady Maple. We also stopped at the Farmer's Market to pick up shoo-fly pie, some specialty breads - Raspberry and Peach - and some whoppie pies - along with restocking some essentials on RoadAbode.
Had a nice early dinner in the downstairs cafeteria. I enjoyed a local specialty - Ham Loaf - While the girls went with Turkey or chicken dinners. All big portions and delicious! We decided to enjoy dessert at RoadAbode.
Easy night of just snacking, a campfire, and a bit of "Man vs, Wild" on Discovery.
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