Sunday, October 23, 2005

RPC Annual HayRide & Bonfire

Short Little outing with RoadAbode - better than none!
Kimberly and I went after church to pickup RoadAbode, Taking RT 202 on the way, ran into a police roadblock and had to detour. Oh well, was a nice ride in suburbia.... Kimberly & I went to work scouring the special 'forks' Mr. Phy had especially made for bonfire cookouts.
Amy met us with Emily in the van at MerryMead. We setup at the HayRide Bonfire place - which is under powerlines, A few Acres from the Main Farm.
The Girls Helped Clean RoadAbode for a while, Then they played Frisbee and Card games.

Soon, Some Friends arrived - Emily is here playing with Josh.

The Youth took a while to arrive, but as soon as they got there - they all piled in to the haywagons

I stayed back to prep the hotdogs and S'mores fixings.
When they came back about and hour later - I was ready for them
The Tractor Driver Set us up a nice bonfire - and we had a great time cooking hotdogs (and eating) making S'mores (and eating)
And finally singing songs of Praise.
It was chilly - but a beautiful Night.
Soon the next group came in from their hayride - and it was time to go.
The ride home was cool too - first time I had RoadAbode on Country Roads - in the dark.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Mingling with the Locals....

Well, not exactly. We walked out to the famers market that is right on Route 30 outside of Country Acres. We bought some fruit, and cider, and checkedout some of their other wares. Thay had some cute lawn ornaments - Think I'll take the one in the middle:

They also had some intertesting haybales too. Had them in the shapes of horses, cows and even crocodiles.
After our walk, Amy and I took showers while the girls lounged around, then we settled down and enjoyed some hot soup, applecider and cookies for dessert. Did nothing really all evening - just watched some TV and looked out at the full moon. Starting to get chilly!

Our Gain Ministry Experience

We drove the "OpaMobile" to the new Gain Warehouse in Mount Joy outside Lancaster and met Sam, Sabrina, Jackie, Pam, Esther, Barb, and Vern. We signed in, and were put on 'Gospel Bracelet Duty' - making the bracelets given out to children that help them remember the Gospel message. The bracelets are explained this way First knot - our birth, black bead - original sin, red heart - Jesus shed His blood for our sins, White - forgiveness of our sins , blue - Holy Spirit, green - Spiritual Growth, yellow - The Gates of
Heaven, the last knot -Our bodily Death.
Other jobs at the warehouse included sorting and packing items like clothing, shoes, medical supplies and equipment, toys, school supplies.

After doing the bracelets for an hour or so - it was lunch time. Amy and I worked thru lunch since we had such a large breakfast. Then there was a special suprise, There was to be a dedication of the building, and one of the speakers was to be Josh McDowell - who has started the ministry some 14 or so years ago.

The speaking went on for an hour or so - with people relating their expereinces as both givers and recieves of aid. We made bracelets for another hour after that - and for us it was time to leave.

Morning @ Country Acres

After starting morning coffee percolating, Amy and I dressed & took a walk. The campground is small, but has farms all along it's one side. It's beautiful blue skies after the Stormy, rainy stuff yesterday.
Here are pictures of our site and view:
The sites on the upper area have 50amp cable - we have 30
Sites are a litte close - but it's pretty quiet - even being close to Route 30. We rustled up the girls, got ourselves going and went to breakfast @ Bob Evans.
After Bob Evans, we headed off to meet the RPC Youth at the Gain Warehouse.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Wonderful Rainy Weekend Away....

Sometimes its just nice to be in another environment, even if the weather is not the greatest. Left work early - 2pm - and drove to RoadAbode. Amy and the girls arrived with our weekend "stuff" loaded into RoadAbode with some basic comfort foods, and got on the road by 3:30pm. Traffic was heavy, and we got to our campsite by 6pm.
We are nestled in at Country Acres, located on Route 30 outside of Lancaster. We did things a little different this time - I drove Roadabode with Kimberly and Amy followed in the Honda with Emily. It's nice having a car to 'tool' around town in. We went out for Friday Night Pizza, and then drove to Rockvale Outlets to take a walk , pickup socks for Kimberly, and a little dessert, and just window shop.
Country Acres has free WiFi - but it is not secure (Wep) so I am having difficulty connecting thru the VPN. Able to connect and check mail via outlook Web access at least.
tomorrow we plan on meeting the RPC Youth @ Gain/Project Carelift late morning, helping out, and then heading back to relax at the campground. Maybe I'll be able to post some pics tomorrow too.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

What the Girls were doing...

While Amy & I were learning, so were the girls - learning different ways to have fun that is!
Granny was along for the ride - and was a big help by just "being there" for the girls. Was an ease on our minds that the girls were occupied while we wee at the seminars.
Below are a few pics I took with the new Sony Ericsson z500a we just got.

Emily and Kimberly went to the maskmaking craft time

Granny brought beads craft for them to do next to RoadAbode. You can also see the Pumpkins they Decorated.

And Emily was the first to dive into the pool - she said the water was great!
We were homeward bound by Noon (After the free Pancake Breakfast of Course!) and Got RoadAbode to her Lair safely with no incidents. I'm currently writing this while sitting down at Opa's House doing the "NightWatch"

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Learning at the RV Rally

Went to 3 seminars done by Hitcharama-were really imformative! Amy got 2 practice sealing a rip in a RV roof.
(Online Edit - Sunday@ Home) The Seminars were Electrical Systems, New Products, and Roof and roof repair. The First and last were well done - Amy actually was inpressed two ways - one - how much I had told her in the past that was correct, and how much she came away with when explained in a different manner.
The New Products was not as informative - geared toward Travel Trailers - but did have some good info on solar/electrical stuff.
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

Quick fix for a chillly Issue

Waterheater is not on this chilly morning at Holly Shores
Went outside, heard slight clicking, pulled fuse, pushed back in, heater started right up! Furnace has been fine.
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer

Morning @ HollyShores

Morning @ HollyShores - forgot the powersupply 4 the laptop (doh!) - Last night got the important stuf checked @ work. Now Posting by cell. Temp is only 55f!
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer