Our shakedown cruise went pretty much without a hitch, except when I tried to put some freshwater in the tank @ home - to flush it out and have some for the toilet and washing hands. When I tried filling - per the procedure we were told - water would come gushing out from underneath, in the vicinity of the spare tire. I couldn't figure it out - but Amy - during the day made a few calls to
Hitcharama and found there were more valves that were under the bed for winterization. (I guess that is actually a good thing!) She called me excited - and a little embarrassed, because when she was able to fill the tank, she gave out a shout and was doing a dance - in the middle of the street. When I got home, we packed RoadAbode up and headed out.
The First "Official" Trip of RoadAbode was to
Spring Gulch. This campground has Great sites in it's upper level, each site is surrounded by trees on three sides. There was plenty to do - besides learning about how to operate the systems of RoadAbode. Mini Golf, Hikes, Eating icecream, Campfires - Lots of Fun. Also since we don't have it @ home, Cable TV was a treat before bedtime for there girls.
On the way home we saw Amish buggies leaving Sunday Services. Amy got a nice pic

We also checked out
Lake-in-Wood Campground - for the upcoming Church Camping Trip Amy organizes every year.
We all feel really blessed to be able to have RoadAbode.
Here's Emily Posing with her new "friend"