Thursday, June 22, 2006

Niagara Falls - Up Close and Personal

Woke around 6:30 - grabbed a shower, made coffee, had breakfast and did some cleaning of the 'bug guts' off of the cabover and front of RoadAbode. We packed a backpack of some snacks and 'kid essentials', and then headed for the Falls shuttle for 9:30a. We got dropped off at the entrance to the "Maid of the Mist" market area, and we decided to walk up to Table Rock Pointe - which was about a mile hike. It was amazing to see the mist of the Falls, and in the early morning, the sun did not have a chance to burn it off- so it was like walking thru a 'misting tent' at a outdoor concert or event.
RoadAbode Behind Niagara
Behind Niagara
We stopped to view the falls a few times, just to enjoy the immense power and take in the beauty of the gardens and area. When we got to Table Rock, we traded in the Internet Passes I had printed for real ones, and went to our first destination, Journey behind the Falls. Now - I know it's a touristy thing to do, but it was pretty cool. Not the "portals" behind the falls (kind of hoe-key) but behind at the base of the falls, and seeing how the water crashes over - and how far out it falls from the wall behind. We had rainGear on - but still were pretty wet.
We then decided to have an early lunch - just a grab-n-go kind of thing, which started a debate - whether to use the debit/charge or cash in for some Canadian Currency. I was for the first, but we went for the latter. At least the Bills and coinage are pretty to look at....
After lunch, we decided to walk to Maid of the Mist - the King of Attractions here in Niagara.
It was easy to get in, and simply, for how hoe-key it sounds - the experience is worth it. It was a blast! And no matter what - you get wet. The ability to get so close and see the power of Water, both Falls and River, has to be done yourself.
After the Maid, we stopped and got a few souvenirs at the gift shop, and then enjoyed watching a Glassblower work his craft in the artisans shop area. A preclude to what we'll see on Tues - was really cool to see how this molten glass can be formed into something so beautiful.
Around 2pm we decided to head back. We've had a dip in the pool, showers, and have already gotten our tickets for Oh Canada Eh?, a Dinner theater style show that is right outside the KOA, and looks like loads of fun.

Few other interesting things I've seen here in Canada:
  • Black squirrels - seen a few around the Campsite
  • Loads of Rental RV's - All shapes and sizes too - from the US and Canada
  • Canadians are not Rude - but they are purposeful - Most of the people that perform a service for me (Like campground help or attraction hosts) when we go somewhere in the states, I usually can get a conversation out of 'em. So far the Canadians - bus drivers, desk people, and the like - are all about getting things done - and moving you along. I'll keep trying though...
Well - off to Dinner and a show!

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