Saturday, August 29, 2009

Promiseland S.P. Explore

Late morning, took a walk with Am and Molly @ 8am very foggy and misty - like we were walking thru clouds. Am made a Great breakfast of pancakes! Plain, blueberry - even walnut! Coffee and fresh orange juice complemented for a great breakfast.
Didn't sleep well, keep dreaming about how to get the RPC Rainbarrels to be more efficient in collecting and storing water.
Around 10am we finally got ourselves together to take a hike at Conservation Island, a beautiful area with moss covered rocks, fields of fern, and plenty of high-bush blueberry to snack on the way. After Conservation Island, we checked out the Promiseland Store, and the Concession Stand @ the Lake Beach. Drove to the Bear Wallow Nature observation area, and Did a full drive around the lake. Back by around 1pm for a simple lunch of soup and crackers. May check out the Concession Stand for a quick dinner later.
Had a shower (The best showers I've ever seen in a state park) then caught up on some reading.

Right now the girls are picking more blueberries right at our campsite, as the perimeter of our site is edged by high-bush blueberry. Good eatin', and great fun!

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